ASP – Application Service Provider

B2B – Business to Business

B2C – Business to Consumer

CPA – Cost Per Action / Cost per Adclick

CPC – Cost Per Click / Cost per Customer

CPL – Cost Per Lead

CPO – Cost Per Order

CPS – Cost Per Sale

CPV – Cost per Visit

CTA – Call to Action

CTR – Click-Through Rate

PFP – Pay For Performance

PPC – Pay Per Click

PPL – Pay Per Lead

PPS – Pay Per Sale

PV – Page View

SEA – Search Engine Advertising

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SERP – Search Engine Results Page

UGC – User Generated Content

UV – Unique Visitor


Gross rating point (GRP) is the product of the percentage of the target audience
reached by an advertisement, times the frequency they see it in a given campaign
(frequency × percentage reached). Example: A television advertisement that is aired
5 times reaching 50% of the target audience each time has a GRP of 250 (5 × 50%).
GRP values are commonly used by media buyers to compare the advertising strength
of various media vehicles.

In Deutsch: Bruttoreichweite in Prozent. Sie gibt Aufschluss über den Werbedruck
einer Kampagne und ist eher für TV-Werbung als für Online-Marketing-Kampagnen geeignet.


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